Monday, December 14, 2020

A Cincy Fan Zone Update


Hey guys! It has definitely been a minute since I last wrote a post for my website. 2020 has no doubt been the craziest year of everybody’s lives and it has definitely impacted the way I upload content to the Cincy Fan Zone website. A lot has changed for me in my personal life and combining those changes with the chaos that has been 2020 has been nothing short of stressful. To be completely honest, I kicked around the idea of ending the site as finding the time to consistently create content for it became increasingly difficult throughout the year. 


For the first time ever, there was a major lack of written posts as I only had time to upload a weekly video and was unable to carve out the time necessary to write and upload a post. And even though there was at least one video uploaded each week, the number of videos I usually film each year dropped as there were no fans allowed at Reds games which meant there was a sharp decrease in new bobbleheads to unbox. Redsfest was also cancelled which meant no vlog of the event, and Bengals autograph shows obviously did not make a return in 2020 due to social distancing guidelines. 


So with the year coming to a close and 2021 on the horizon, I decided to write a quick update post on the status of the Cincy Fan Zone website. After the WWE TLC 2020 review video, I will be taking time for the holidays. As of now, the first video of the new year is scheduled to be the 2020 Bengals recap video followed by a few bobblehead review videos I uploaded in 2014 but never published. January is then scheduled to end with the 2021 Royal Rumble review video before I reassess things for February. 


Thank you for continuing to check out my website and sticking with me during this insane year. I hope everybody stays safe and has a healthy and happy holiday season!